Saturday, August 26, 2006

My Cat's In The Dog House...

Cue music...."bad boy, bad boy, whatcha gonna do...whatcha gonna do when they come for you...bad boy, bad boy..."

Yeah, it was a scene from Cops for sure.  I just purchased an MP3 player on Sunday - I wanted an easily transportable means of carrying music with me while out on my long daily walks.  It's the cutest thing - it holds 500 songs and I can upload right from my cd player or the radio.  So imagine my dismay a few hours after opening the box and playing with uploading music that I hear a chewing sound coming from my desk, right next to me.  (Here I thought he was napping - but ohhh noooo!)

Yeah, there's Ernie, eating the ear bud headphones.  He chewed right through to the wire in two places - he probably would have chewed all the way through had I not stopped him.  Aaargh!  Cuff that guy and put him in the slammer!  He did spend timeout in the bathroom for a couple of hours and has been very remorseful ever since.   Got some electrical tape today in the hopes of salvaging the headphones - if not, it's another trip to Staples to find a replacement.  And even though there seems to be remorse (as well as a cat can experience remorse) I still don't trust him, so the headphones and anything wire-like now lives in a drawer where he can't be tempted....

"...bad boy, bad boy, whatcha gonna do...whatcha gonna do when they come for you...bad boy, bad boy..."  Fade out....

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