Thursday, August 10, 2006

Introducing My "Boys"...

I would like to introduce you to my "boys" – Bert and Ernie. They are my little loves. They were 11 years old in June 2006 and they certainly light up my life.
Bert is the one with the white nose and Ernie has the tan nose. And yes, they are truly brothers. They came from a litter of 4 – their sisters are calicos and live in southern New Jersey.

They love hunting down bugs and mice. With all the humidity and rain this summer, we have a wealth of thousand-legger bugs (centipedes) that come into the apartment from the basement. Ernie is the best bugger and Bert is the best mouser – he’s had 8 mouse captures to date.   I have no idea how many centipedes Ernie has "de-legged" - I just know there have been a lot!  I do try to do the right thing with the bugs and mice - if I can capture them away from the cats before they are harmed, I put them outside at the end of the property.  Most times, though, the damage has been done and they've gone on to mouse or centipede heaven.

Bert and Ernie also love getting bodywork and I often find them sprawled out on my massage table waiting for me to work on them.  Bert prefers Shiastsu and Ernie just loves Reiki.

They are my "meditation bells" – reminding me throughout the day to take a break, do some deep breathing, and chill for a moment. They love me even when I'm having a bad hair day and they never tell my secrets.

You’ll be hearing more about my boys in future posts….

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