Saturday, July 7, 2007

Does the Date make the Marriage?

Thousands of couples are getting married today. Why? Because of the date: 07/07/07. Many think it will bring good luck to their marriage. I'm curious – will the date actually make the difference in how the marriage unfolds and works out?

My neighbors are getting married today – because of the date. I don't know if they are getting married because they love each other (they've lived together for over 3 years, had a child together 2 years ago, they fight all the time, he constantly calls her rude and contemptuous names, he can't hold a job and they keep the recycling folks busy handling their 2-3 cases of empty beer cans a week). I just know that they are getting married because they think it's "really cool, man" to get married on 07/07/07. Like that magic number is going to stop the fighting, and change their language (every other word out of their mouths is "F" – even when yelling at the children, which is pretty much all the time).

Thousands of couples all over the world are flocking to chapels, churches, JP's and Las Vegas to get married today. And all for the date. But have they done their home work? Have they done their marriage work? Do they have all their ducks in a row when it comes to finances, family, careers and blending two lives into a loving and functional marriage? Have they developed the intimacy required to spend the rest of their lives together – through the tough times and the fun times? Do they have more to go on after today than the mere fact that their wedding date is 07/07/07?

I would love to know the statistics in about 10 years as to how many of these couples are truly experiencing marital bliss and how many have already hit the divorce courts. I'll keep you posted on the folks next door. Maybe today will luck to not only them but to me as well. Maybe I won't be awakened anymore at 2AM from their screaming fights. Maybe I won't have to listen to them yell at their children anymore (she has 2 from 2 previous relationships). Maybe they will clean up their language and learn new ways of expressing themselves rather than "F that!" or "F you!" I won't hold my breath waiting...

[Addendum - sad to say, the above mentioned couple is now in prison for a prescription scam they worked in Spring 2008]

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