Thursday, December 21, 2006

Corzine Signs Gay Civil Unions Law in New Jersey

Finally another state, New Jersey, is recognizing partnerships of gay couples - now it's not considered marriage, mind you - God forbid the religious right get their pants in a snit over that - they are calling it a civil union - but this does allow gay couples in New Jersey to enjoy some of the rights of married couples:  adoption, hospital visitation rights, inheritance, and medical decision-making. 

It's not perfect yet it's definitely a step forward for the gay community.  No, it doesn't flow through into the Federal level, but it is a start.

Watching the opponents rant and rave about this on the news I wondered what they are so darn afraid of?  They claim calling these partnerships "marriage" will soil the institution of "marriage" - heck, I know plenty of straight relationships who are soiling the institution of marriage pretty well so what's the rant all about?  You have the cheaters, the beaters, the marriage repeaters - I just don't get it.  And I guess I never will (and wonder if I even want to). 

Anyway, to all my gay friends living in New Jersey - congratulations!   You now have rights that I, as a straight woman, have taken for granted all my life.  I am thrilled for you and continue to support the efforts to move even more into the future where gay partnerships will fully be considered marriage.

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